Everyone Has Psychic Abilities


An Introduction Into Uncovering Your Psychic Gifts

They’re Psychic Abilities Not Super Powers

Let’s talk about doubting what you're perceiving. Yes, I’m talking about your Clairs. Your psychic abilities. 6th senses… If you’re reading this you may be struggling with the confidence you have in your own abilities. Everyone has psychic abilities. Yes, even you. You don’t have to be a rock star, self proclaimed psychic, medium, spiritual advisor, or ghost. I know it may not seem like it but the first step after simply believing this is true, is understanding how your brain works. And I promise it’s not rocket science. It’s more like basic psychology. 

Understanding How You Think

So, now that you’re over the 1st step of thinking that just because you don't receive “psychic visions” like Raven Symone in “That’s So Raven” we can move onto the next step. Understanding the ways in which you as an individual perceive the physical world around you. If you’re able to analyze and understand the ways in which your brain uses your 5 physical senses to contemplate and navigate the real world around you, you will be able to understand how Spirit uses your brain to allow you to perceive the metaphysical world around you. 

Taking It Back To Kindergarten

Now this may seem silly, but can you name the 5 physical senses? Go ahead. I’ll give you a few seconds. I always count them out on my fingers, even as an adult….Okay, got it? Let’s list them. 

  1. Seeing

  2. Touching / Feeling

  3. Tasting

  4. Smelling

  5. Hearing

Great! Now let's add a more lucrative sense to the list. The sometimes “Y” of our physical senses if you will. #6. Instincts. You know, the inner inklings you may have experienced throughout your life that have alerted you to something without you really knowing “how?” or “why?”.  Feel free to refer to this as your 6th sense. Pun intended.

Making Sense of Your Senses

Now that we’ve had a refresher on our senses, it’s time for you to look a bit inward at yourself. Ask yourself, “Out of all 6 senses which ones do I feel I use the most (and how?) to understand the world around me?” If this seems like a daunting question, that’s okay. There are a few questions you can ask yourself to begin to understand how you use your physical senses to understand the world around you. Feel free to write down your answers somewhere so you can analyze them in a few minutes.

  1. When you walk into a room what is the first thing you think about / perceive?

  2. Are you someone who is sensitive to smells? Either positively or negatively?

  3. When you meet a person what is the first thing you notice about them?

  4. Do you have an inner monologue or inner dialogue when you are quietly thinking?

  5.  Are the shape and color of things important to you when describing them to others? If not, what aspects of an object would you convey to someone else instead?

  6. Are you someone who is able to pick out the different instruments and multiple melody lines in music or does a song just sound like one cohesive noise to you?

  7. Are you someone who can envision how something looks in your mind? 

  8. Are you someone who is empathetic towards others’ pain or emotions? 

Physical vs. Metaphysical Senses

Now that you’ve answered these questions for yourself, look back at your answers for each question. Based on what you wrote, which sense(s) did you use to answer each question? The senses you used as your answer are going to be synonymous to the clair psychic abilities you have and can use right now. Because the ways in which your brain uses your 5 physical senses to contemplate and navigate the real world around you, directly relate to how Spirit uses your brain to allow you to perceive the metaphysical world around you.

Below is a conversion sheet for each physical sense you use and its corresponding clair psychic ability.

  1. Seeing = Clairvoyance

  2. Touching / Feeling = Clairsentience

  3. Tasting = Clairgustance

  4. Smelling = Clairalience

  5. Hearing = Clairaudience

  6. Instinct / Knowing = Claircognizance

Putting it All Together

Pretty interesting stuff right? I told you you had psychic abilities. You just have to understand how your brain works because that is going to be the way in which you receive and perceive metaphysical stimuli as well. From forming a basis of communication with your Spirit Guides to allowing your intuition to flow and guide you through this life, it all starts with understanding that you too have psychic abilities.

More to Come: Watch & Learn!

Now I understand you may be a tad bit confused still and that’s okay! I will be releasing new blog posts that will break down each clair psychic ability and the ways in which you may experience them in the coming weeks. For now, feel free to check out our original blog post and YouTube videos on the clair psychic senses. 

Like, Comment, & Share!

However, since we’ve released those videos and blog posts, Em and I have learned much more so I wanted to expand upon our past understanding with these new blog posts! If you enjoy this type of content, have a question, or want to share what you’ve learned reading this post,  please let us know by leaving us a comment in the comment section below! Until then, we are your Meta PsycKICKS!

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