Validation Comes in Many Ways


A Funny Story About How Spirit Guides Communicate With Us

Doubting What You’re Perceiving

Let’s talk about doubting what you're perceiving. Yes, I’m talking about your Clairs. Your psychic abilities. 6th senses… If you’re reading this you may be struggling with the confidence you have in your own abilities.

Doubting Yourself

Validation of your gifts is hard. The fact you doubt them is good and normal. Differentiating what you perceive whether in your head or with any other menagerie of clairs can be hard because you are receiving sensory information, but seemingly from nowhere. 

Physical Validation

Unlike when you bust your toe on the edge of a door, you know why your foot is hurting and why you're swearing. But with psychic abilities, the line between stepping on a lego in real life and experiencing a metaphysical perception stemming from a soul or spiritual being becomes a little more blurred. However, you can get the validation you’re looking for. It just may not be in a way you might expect.

You can receive validation from others. For example, if you give  your close friends a reading. Whether it be intuitively or using tarot cards. They validated the info you receive from Spirit. 

Spirit Guide Validation

You can also ask your Spirit Guides to give you validation. Most notably in the form of signs and symbols. However, they may also help you in funny ways too.

Psychic Medium Doubts

For example, I have been doubting my validity after listening to a book with my fiance (who by the way does not believe in my gifts) where a well renowned psychiatrist claims psychics and magicians are nothing more than experts of human body language. The author gave some pretty sound scientific evidence. And we all know I'm a sucker for science. 

Scientific Satire

I spoke with my best friend and business partner Em, and she was able to produce some overarching examples of why the man's hypothesis is silly (at least in my case) but still I was wondering, "Am I just a really good body language interpreter? Is that why I prefer to conduct my readings via zoom? Am I simply relying on my eyes? Am I a fraud?" That is until I was walking out of my house yesterday morning to grab my ADHD meds out of my car.

Locked Out

As I reached for the door knob, in my own thoughts I heard, "You're going to get locked out of the house." Almost as quickly as the thought entered my mind, my ego began to state all the reasons as to why my fiance would have unlocked the door before he left for work that morning etc, etc.. Well wouldn't you know, I grab my meds. and turn around to go back inside and the darned door is locked....

As I began to panic, alone, without my phone or spare keys. My ego brain set my body in motion. I opened the garage to go outside, around the house, to hop the gate. All while praying that one window may have been accidentally left open. BAM. 

Intrusive Thoughts

Then another intrusive thought breached my brain. Utilizing the forms of many clairs to create a message. Me seeing myself taking the dog & cat outside minutes earlier. An idea that I left the backdoor unlocked. BOOM.

AGAIN my ego brain reared up to combat that thought. Rebutting with, "No you always lock the back door behind you. This is hopeless. You're locked out." 

 As I hopped the fence. I stopped to halt  my seemingly clashing consciousness, took a deep breath and thought in my own head, "If you guys (my spirit guides) are doing this you better have had my dumb-ass leave the back door open." 

Effortlessly, my emotions shifted and it seemed like a spark of humor and knowing entered my body. As I reached the back door and peered inside looking for the latch to be in the "locked position" I swore at my guides in surprise as I noticed  the door indeed was unlocked.

Spirit Guide Spanking

I walked inside talking aloud. Waving my hands in the air at the 5 Spirit Guides I could envision in my mind's eye. All grinning and smiling in a cohort of obnoxious "knowing". Giving me a new meaning to the hashtag, #spiritguidesbelike.

Checking Yourself

When it comes to trusting what's real and what's in your mind, your Spirit Guides and Spirit will give you the validation you need. And if after years of developing your psychic / medium capabilities you find yourself asking, "is it all real?" Please know that is wonderfully normal. 

By thinking that thought, doubting your sanity, replaying the people who have personally thanked you because you've helped them with your ability to "seemingly pull information out of thin air." That is normal. 

Spiritual Stepping Stones

Perhaps each time these doubtful thoughts cross your mind, you've just reached the next stepping stone in your spiritual journey. Or your guides and Spirit are simply letting you know they've still got your back. Even if they help you to prove yourself to yourself by locking you out of your own home.

Special Thanks

This blog post is inspired by a lovely psyckick, just like you! Thanks Sara for giving me the gumption to type out something Jesus would be proud of when used as a comparison.

P.S. I still win. XD ~ Liv

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