
If you’re someone like Em and me, then you know or have a general idea of what a Horcrux is, but if you don’t, it’s basically a haunted antique. And this is the story of how Em got me to touch a muggle Horcrux!

Being A Non Believer

Before embarking on the spiritual journey of starting Meta Psyckicks with Em and embracing my mediumship, I honestly didn’t believe that things like crystals or inanimate objects could hold energy in the way they do.

Science Is The Cooliest

As a scientist, I understand that objects, in general, can be used to create, move, and convert energy, but I didn’t think that fact could hold true in the metaphysical sense as well.

I hadn't begun pondering the idea of objects being capable of holding metaphysical energy until I realized crystals, just simple old rocks, could communicate with me in a way similar to the way souls do.

Physics or Psychic?

I like to think this can be explained in a way close to the textbook example of a ball rolling down a hill.

This example is often used in beginner physics textbooks to explain how potential energy is converted into kinetic energy through different types of movement or force (in this case gravity).

The general idea here is to get students to understand that an object that is not moving has the potential to move and can hold energy at rest while also having the possibility to create energy that is static (moving/changing). The key idea to remember here is that the ball  is assumed to begin rolling down the hill due to the “unseen” force of gravity.

Now let’s take that basic physics concept and build upon it like the ball rolling down a hill. Starting by asking yourself, “similarly to how a ball can roll down a hill and begin to collect debris like a snowball, doesn’t a rock formation in almost the same way?”… Maybe even “talking" rocks?

This is how I began trying to rationalize the question, “how in God’s green earth can crystals communicate with me in a similar way that souls do?”


Putting 2&2 2gether

If everything in the universe has energy and has the potential to be acted on by the “unseen” energy forces within our universe then maybe, just like the ball rolling down the hill in our physics textbooks, the centuries it took to form a simple rock can create the metaphysical energy I am able to perceive as a psychic medium. Presto! The reason why crystals can communicate with me. 

Ah, Science..Or Is It Scientists?

I fully understand how utterly far-fetched this hypothesis is and how I may be scrutinized for it, but I guess it goes with the territory of being a psychic medium with a science degree.  Or just a psychic medium in general.

We have mathematical equations that give a certain “physicality” to the unseen, yet known and understood natural force of gravity but science does not yet have a way to physically rationalize the unseen forces of metaphysical and spiritual energies. So, I guess until the day science can better theorize these unseen energies we’ll all just have to keep watching haunted reality t.v. and listening to other people’s spotty ghost stories… Anyways…Horcruxes!

Haunted Antiques Explained

So, the theory I have behind why rocks can communicate with me is that they have passively accumulated A LOT of energy just by being formed over a long period of time. But what about inanimate objects that people have owned?

Similar to how stones can organically acquire metaphysical energy from their formation I believe that certain inanimate objects that once held enough significance to its owner can hold a piece of their soul. 

I don’t mean this in the sense of an entire human’s soul being trapped in a physical object. I don’t see it like this. The way I have perceived it is as an eternal fondness for a physical object that its owner once held dear in life. 

I feel like in addition to single objects that can be moved or that are smaller, this “soul attachment” can transcend to bigger things such as entire homes and even places. This would explain why the man who used to live in our friend Janelle’s house still hangs around to this day. Spiritually smoking and eating pizza with Janelle; his home’s new owner. 

They Don’t All Need Help, Guys…

It is important to remember that these souls that are “attached” to these objects are not necessarily also “attached” to our physical world just because they are fond of their life’s physical object. No. They are capable of traveling to Heaven, The Spirit Real, Source, Spirit, or whatever else name you may have for where souls reside as well.

I have begun to realize that many people automatically think that just because a soul is perceived in our world that they are “stuck” here and need help “crossing over” to the “other side.” But believe it or not, sometimes souls just like to hang out in their favorite places, or be around their most prized possessions. Just like the shadow man I met during one client’s reading.

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Touching The Butt

Em and I had travelled to a friend’s family’s home where I was going to give one of my first professional Medium/Pet Psychic Bundle Readings and the reading was going great! It wasn’t until my client confronted me about a shadow man that they’d noticed lurking in their dining room that I became uncomfortable. 

I had noticed the shadows figure when I first sat down to begin their reading and their cat had conveyed to me that the shadow man was the reason he did not travel through one portion of their home. 

The shadow figure’s energy was a general feeling of reserve so I had decided not to mention it to my client because they did not seem bothered and the best way to get rid of a possibly negative entity is to ignore them. Possibly scaring my client by notifying them of the seemingly benign entity could create the energy needed for the spirit to grow energetically stronger and possibly become a problem. 

So I decided to not possibly stir anything up and kept quiet. Until my client brought it up…

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Ousted! The Shadow Man

They explained to me that they buy, sell, and collect old antiques and since bringing a certain object home have been seeing a shadow man in their dining room. They asked me if I could confirm their suspicions and reluctantly I said, “yes”. 

I was surprised at how calm my client seemed. They went on to tell me that this isn't the first shadow figure they have thought they’ve brought into their home by their acquisition of antiques. They merely had a hunch on which new possession may be the culprit of the entity and wanted me to confirm it for them.


Not What I Signed Up For

When I tell you I DID NOT want to touch a haunted antique I really mean it. I may be a psychic medium but touching haunted things with possible shadow people attached to it is not my gig. But I felt challenged and I did want to help my clients. If I could identify the cause of their passive haunting then they could get rid of the object respectfully and also their new shadow man. 

I was told that the object was in their dining room but not where or in what piece of furniture. Calmly I let my mind guide me to the china armoire where I found myself drawn to the lower middle drawer. Inside I removed a few things until my hand met an old military book. But inside the newer-looking book was an old brown wax paper envelope. The normal size of my brain said, “look in it” but the medium part of my head said, “don’t.” That’s when I heard my client say, “Yup. That’s it.”

Not wanting to hold the object any longer I asked Em if she wanted it and of course, being the Aries she is, she not only excitedly took it from my hands but asked our scent if she could look in it.

I was just trying to ignore the shadow man staring at me from about 5 feet away while shielding myself and the people around me in white light. I didn’t want the soul attached to this foul feeling object to follow me home or bother my client while I was there.

“As I was spiritually guarding myself and the people around me I heard Em let out a bit of a gasp. Inside the old wax paper envelope were Nazi stamps and letters and that’s all I had to hear.”

An Old Soul and A Bad Time

BOOM! The shadow man standing near me began to show me him writing things during the WWII era. Using those stamps to send letters to other nazi sympathizers and keeping some of the letters he received back. Then the turn of the war. But he kept those things. Little as they may seem, he was set on keeping his little envelope of keepsakes to remember the ideals and times he felt were just and right.

This is the first and only time I have confirmed the case of a haunting caused by the soul attached to an antique and I do not wish to do it again anytime soon. 

Want More?!

For more information on this story and others please watch and listen to our Youtube video and podcast episode on this topic and so much more! If you want to schedule your own reading with me you can do so by clicking the “Services” tab located in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Em and I hope you enjoyed this story because we have more where this came from!

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Crystal Lore


Tarot Reader Meets Psychic Medium