Crystal Lore


Black Obsidian: The Smoking Mirror 

Some of us know a few basic crystals and their healing properties but what about the stories behind those little metaphysical stones? Nope? Well, strap in because you’re about to learn the rich history behind the dark stone of obsidian. 

A Black Hole

So metaphysically speaking obsidian deals mostly with protection. Specifically protection from negative or bad energy and entities. As a psychic medium, I can describe the energy of most obsidian crystals I’ve held as emitting a feeling I can only attribute to as a “black hole”. Its energy quietly pulls you in with a strong and authoritative force. 


The Vacuum of Truth?

I assume this is how it is able to protect an individual from negative energy or entities. It sucks them into itself like a power vacuum. I have also read that obsidian deals with truth…This I personally thought was silly the first time I read it. But I have been as Em and I like to say, “spiritually spanked” and I’ll tell you why.

God of Stone

Long, long ago when the Mesoamerican people ruled southern North America they rose to power and abundance with the help of a little stone. Known to its people as Teotetl (the divine stone) or Itzli (god of stone) this rock is known to us Westerns as “obsidian” and was worth more than gold.

Who Needs Metallurgy?

Formed from the rapid cooling of lava, obsidian is an organic glass that when broken correctly has the sharpest edges known to man. It can be fractured down to a single atom and has a hardness of 5-5.5 out of 10. Because of these properties, obsidian was able to aid in the development and advancement of the Mesoamerican people. Being one of the most influential reasons the mesoamerican people had little reason to pursue metallurgy. But obsidian was not only used for industrial purposes.

Mirrors on My Neck

The cultural significance of obsidian to the Mesoamerican people was great. In addition to wearing obsidian as a sign of wealth the volcanic glass was used by religious leaders as well.

It’s Not About Looks

Obsidian was harvested, polished, and made into mirrors. Known as “tezcatl” or scrying mirrors, these metaphysical mirrors were not used to observe personal appearances but for seeing into different dimensions. They were divination tools. 

Predicting the Calendar

Tezcatl were used by Mesoamerican priests and other spiritual leaders to gain insight into the past, present, and/or future. I am personally unsure of in which circumstances tezcatl were used spiritually or religiously, but most of us know about the Mayan, Incan, and Aztec calendars so…


It’s Not All Smoke and Mirrors

It gets cooler. So remember how I mentioned that for some of the Mesoamerican people obsidian’s name means “god of stone” or “the divine stone”? That's because similar to the scrying mirror’s real name of tezcatl, the stone has a spiritual being associated with it too. Their name? Tezcatlipoca.

Seeing Above and Beyond

This being’s name literally translates to “smoking mirror”. And they were known for existing within the heavens equipped with the original tezcatl using it to view all that went on within the ethos and the mortal world. 

A Little Big for Our Britches?

I don’t know. Maybe this is just me. But don’t you find it a tad bit audacious too, “as a mortal” think that you could wield the power of a tezcatl too?! I mean a literal spiritual being uses one. But us wee mortals are like, “Cool mirror dude! I’m going to make one too! Also maybe I’m going to possibly make one of the most accurate calendars with it as well. Let’s go!” 

Nowadays I know that some psychics and other metaphysical individuals will use black obsidian scrying mirrors as divination tools. How exactly, I am not entirely sure. Em and I touch upon it a bit in our video and podcast, but we mostly focus on the story behind the stone. Anyways..

Supposedly Safe

Supposedly, unlike other divination tools that could aid in the manifestation and travel of dark/negative entities black obsidian is believed to inhibit these possibilities due to the metaphysical nature of the stone itself. 

Spiritual Spanking

Now, remember how I told you that I was spiritually spanked after thinking that black obsidian couldn’t deal with aiding in truth? Well, while researching the legends behind this stone I came across the reason it deals in truth-telling.

Since obsidian is a protection stone, aiding in the absorption of negative energies and dark entities, as well as creating the sharpest edge known to man; obsidian is said to be able to, “cut through darkness and lies to reveal the truth.” Boom…

Guess how dumb and pompous I felt when I read that? A lot! In addition to this statement I came across the fact that obsidian was also used in certain Native American ceremonies to “sharpen inner sight”. Which may not just deal in sharpening our inner sight to look within or around us, but to see the truth within ourselves and understand who we are.

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If you liked this story, let Em and I know in the comments below! In addition to the stories behind obsidian, we banter about the lore around aquamarine and selenite in our YouTube video and podcast on this very topic too! If there is a stone you want us to find the history behind or just want our metaphysical comedic bickering on, let us know in the comment box below! Until next week, make sure to check out our other blogs here, or watch and listen to our videos and podcasts as well! 

And remember for your entertainment and education on all things metaphysical we are your META PSYCKICKS! 


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