What are the Clair Psychic Abilities?


What are the Clairs?

Could you be a psychic? Many people have psychic abilities that allow them to sense the metaphysical. These senses are called Clairs. Clair means clear in french and they are the psychic abilities people use to connect to the paranormal and the metaphysical. Just as we can have the 5 physical sense which allows us to experience our physical reality, there are 6 Clair senses that allow us to experience the metaphysical.

Many people look at psychic mediums as frauds because they do not understand why everyone doesn't have these abilities? But we believe that everyone can have one if not more of these senses without even knowing it. These Clairs include clairvoyance (clear sight), clairaudience (clear sound), clairsentience (clear touch), claircognizance (clear knowing), clairalience (clear scent), and clairgustance (clear taste).


The next psychic ability is "clear hearing" or Clairaudience. People who have clairaudience may be able to physically hear voices or hear them in their head. Spirits will also manipulate what you are saying while you are saying it to rely on a message. So for example, if you are a tarot reader, and you start explaining the meaning of the cards, and all of a sudden you say something that you do not know where it came from or you didn't know the information before saying it. It is almost like a spirit is telling you what to say but they speak so quickly that instead of repeating what they say you just say it.

People who may not know that they do actually have clairaudience may experience tapping noises or ringing they can't explain. They may hear their name or feint voices that seem to be off in the distance or another room. They may hear voices in their mind. They tend to have an inner monologue and learn best when they are told what to do. People with clairaudience value music and sound.

If you have these gifts, here are a few ways of strengthening them. While listening to music, try to pinpoint one instrument or vocal. Imagine the volume of all the other instruments lowering so that you only hear that one instrument. You can also do this in a room. Hear the birds outside? the cars? the ac? Pick one of these sounds and do the same. What this does is it allows you to pinpoint and focus on the sound you make not have really listened to before. This opens up your mind to hear paranormal sounds and lowering your ego.


Clairvoyance means "clear seeing". This is one of the more popular chairs probably because this is something most people can understand. Like is seeing really believing?

People who are clairvoyant can physically see apparitions in front of them or in their minds. They can see visions of the past, present, and/or future. They may even get messages from dreams or visions.

According to the parapsychologist (scientific individuals who study the metaphysical and paranormal), Clairvoyance is classified as a psychic ability of past, present, and future. Instead of using the tenses, they refer to the ability to "see" the past as retrocognition, the ability to "see" the present as remote viewing, and the ability to "see" the future as precognition.

We find this interesting that parapsychologist deems only Clairvoyance as a psychic ability to perceive the past, present and/or future when in reality all 6 Clairs can give an individual an understanding of what once was, is currently, or might be. Food for thought. Anyways..

You may be clairvoyant and not even know it! People who may have clairvoyance are people who are good at visualizing things in their minds. They are daydreamers and usually have very vivid or lucid dreams at night. They are people who learn best by seeing someone do the task first. They also value sight and tend to be very artistic.

If this relates, there are a few ways of strengthening clairvoyance. Get a journal and write the dreams you have each morning. What this does is opens up your mind to accept the images in your mind as messages. It is a way of lessening your ego or that voice in your head saying it's just a dream, it’s not important.

Another method is to have a deck of cards. Shuffle the cards and try to guess the color of the top card without looking at it. Without looking at the card, make a pile of black cards and a separate pile of red cards. Try to imagine the color in your head.



Claircognizance is "clear" knowing. This Clair is the hardest for people to validate because there is not an explanation for it. You just know.

Someone who is claircognizant may generally think in complete thoughts instead of seeing/hearing their thoughts in their head. They may have gut feelings about things but can't explain why. This knowledge usually comes in as an instant knowing/thought. It is kind of like a switchboard. You move the peg to a new slot and you instantly make a connection. You do not see the connection nor do you hear it. You just know.

For example, many times claircognizance is used to bring up memories that you have experienced. Because you experienced the memory, you do not need to see it or hear it again. You already know. It’s like putting multiple files in a folder on a computer. You already know what is in the folder.

One way to strengthen this Clair is by using a deck of cards. Shuffle the deck and try to guess the color of each card and set it in either the red pile or black pile. This should be a fast process. Do not think about it. Just make the decision.


Clairsentience is "clear feeling" or psychic feeling. This can relate to your emotions or physical feelings. This is a very common Clair that many people naturally have based on how this Clair aids in our primary instincts to be able to monitor our welling-being.

Someone who is clairsentient can feel the emotions of complete strangers around them. They may even be able to pick up on any physical aliments others have as well. They may experience unexplained chills, feeling drawn to things, or picking up the vibe of a location. They tend to be very emotional but may not be sure where the emotions are coming from.

A few ways to strengthen this Clair is to get a crystal. Close your eyes and throw this crystal onto the ground. Then with your eyes still closed hover your hand over the ground and try to sense where the crystal has fallen and pick it up. With practice, you will begin to feel the difference in energy that the crystal gives off. Another method is to have someone hide in a room with you while your eyes are closed. With your eye still closed, try to sense where they are in the room.

Clairgustance & Clairalience

The last two Clair are usually explained together. Clairgustance which is "clear taste" and Clairalience which is "clear smell". As a pet psychic Liv experiences these two Clairs most often when speaking to living or channeling the souls of past pets. She has noticed that living pets will share what their food tastes like or how certain people they like or dislike the smell. Her Clairgustance and Clairalience are sometimes used while channeling human souls as well. One of her favorite medium-reading stories is the instance when she was channeling a woman's grandmother in hopes of finally learning her family's famous stuffing recipe. During this reading, the woman pointed out to Liv that she was making faces and smelling the air around her unknowingly. The woman began laughing as Liv told her that her grandmother had said that, "If should could make the best stuffing using only her nose and not a written recipe for 40 years, then so could she." Slightly embarrassed but very entertained, Liv explained that she hadn't noticed that she was smelling the air and making faces as she could both "smell" and "taste" what the grandmother's spirit shared with her.

With these Clairs being a bit more obscure, Liv is not entirely sure how to strengthen these abilities if you do possess them.

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