Empath or Clairsentient?


Part 2 - Everyone Has Psychic Abilities


Hello! If you’re reading this it’s for 1 of 2 reasons. You’ve finished reading my last blog post and you’ve realized you too have psychic abilities and you’re here to learn more. OR you’re new here and are interested in learning more about metaphysicality and yourself. Either way, WELCOME! In this week’s blog post we’re going to be diving into the nitty gritty details of 1 of the 6 psychic abilities, clairsentience.

What is Clairsenteince?

What is clairsentience you may ask? Well the word itself is French in origin. If we break it down into its two word-parts, clair and sentience.  The word “clair” means “clear” and “sentience” means “feelings” or “sensations”.

Are You An Empath?

If you’ve delved into the spiritual community before you may have come across this word being used in conjunction with or synonymously to describe people who call themselves Empaths. If you’ve heard of this word before, take a minute to remember what you think it means to you. Do you consider yourself an empath? Do you know someone who may be? What qualities do you or they have which may constitute their empathic nature?

The Tip Of The Iceberg

You may be thinking that being an empath is related to feeling strong emotions or being able to sense the emotional state of others, a situation, or a place. But this is only the tip of the iceberg so to speak when it comes to the psychic gift of clairsentience.

You’re So Much More

Now don’t get me wrong, I think using the word empath is just as cool as the next guy, but when it comes to fully understanding the psychic capabilities you may have, I feel like catagorizing yourself using that word may be a bit of a cop-out. But that’s only because you may not fully realize your psychic potential. Understanding that you’re clairsentient and not just an empath is so much cooler. So let’s better define this psychic sense and figure out your clairsentient capabilities together.

Define An Empath

Now, an empath is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as, “a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.” Which is correct, aside from a few personal changes to the verbiage of the definition I would make, but the important thing to remember is that being an empath is simply a small part people have been able to define from the larger scope of psychic clairsentient abilities.

Clairsentience Is So Much More

Clairsentience is not just, “a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.” It is the metaphysical capabilities to receive and interpret emotional AND psychical feelings and sensations. Let’s clarify.

Channeling With Clairsentience

As a psychic medium, when I am channeling the energy of a soul or spiritual being they will use my clairsentient capabilities to convey information to me. This goes beyond communicating with non-physical beings, extending to what I would classify as more psychic information regarding living people, animals, plants etc.. I do not just experience other beings' emotions I will feel physical sensations they have / are experiencing as well.

Empathic or Clairsentient?

So when I talk to lovely people just like you, they often tell me they are empaths. Which I do not doubt, but what I do find interesting is that the limited, if not secular, definition of this word they associate themselves with, limits their understanding about their true psychic potential as not just empaths, but as clairsentient people. Being an empath is usually a singular symptom of clairsentient abilities, not a standalone psychic sense. So if you or someone you know consider themselves an empath, let’s broaden your understanding to figure out your true clairsentient capabilities.

Have You Experienced Clairsentience?

Now, as you read the following scenarios feel free to grab something to jot down your thoughts about each. Think about if you have experienced similar situations or experiences. If so, what were they? Can you remember the specific clairsentient information you may have received? Was it just emotions, physical sensations, or both?  

The ways in which clairsentience can be experienced include but are not limited to:

  • Walking into a room with or without living people in it and having certain emotions regarding the space itself. 

  • Talking to another person (either in person or remotely) and feeling the emotions they are currently experiencing or were feeling in the past about whatever it is they are communicating to you about.

  • Talking to a person (either in person or remotely) and being able to feel the physical sensations or feelings they have / had, or are experiencing related to their body. i.e knee pain, headache, their pet sleeping on them etc..

  • Paranormal experiences such as being in a room by yourself and feeling like you can sense where in space related to yourself, a soul or spirit may be existing. A.K.A Paranormal Proprioception.

  • Being around an animal and perceiving their emotions about a situation or person (past or present).

  • Being around an animal and feeling the physical sensations they experience when being pet, moving about, or a subtle injury they may have due to age or exercise.

  • Sensing a spirit or soul around you and feeling emotions or physical sensation that are separate from your current mood and physical reality. i.e sensing emotions and / or bodily sensations which you can identify as being separate and unrelated from your own.

What Do You Think?

Now, given what you’ve just read, would you still categorize yourself simply as an empath (someone who can perceive the emotions of others) or do you think you’re a clairsentient person, capable of receiving and perceiving emotional AND psychical feelings and sensations? No matter what conclusion you come to it is important to remember that your psychic abilities are unique and individualistic to you. 

Test Your New Perspective

So what are you waiting for? Now that you have a better understanding of how you may have been receiving not just empathic but clairsentient metaphysical information it’s time to go out and test your newfound psychic capabilities! Have a conversation about it with your Spirit Guides. Test your skills on your friends. Go people watching. Or see how your tarot reading skills have changed. Just remember, from forming a basis of communication with your Spirit Guides to allowing your intuition to flow and guide you through this life, it all starts with understanding that you too have psychic abilities.

More to Come

Don’t feel clairsentience is the psychic ability you want to learn more on? Don’t worry! I will be releasing new blog posts that will break down each clair psychic ability and the ways in which you may experience them in the coming weeks. For now, feel free to check out our original blog post and YouTube videos on the clair psychic senses. 

Book Your Own Spiritual Gifts Reading

Book your own Spiritual Gifts Reading with Em by clicking HERE to learn more about your psychic abilities. Or feel free to ask me during your Psychic Medium Reading with me in the future.

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Until then, we are your Meta PsycKICKS!

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